Myths and Legends of the First World War Page 22
177 ‘One can’t imagine . . .’ Asquith (1968), pp. 445–8
180 ‘For several weeks . . .’ Hayward (2001), pp. 37–84
181 ‘Tellingly . . .’ Hayward (2001), p. 106
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Richmond, Admiral Sir Herbert, Diaries, unpublished
Rimell, Raymond, Zeppelin!, Conway Maritime Press, 1984
Royle, Trevor, Death Before Dishonour, Mainstream, Edinburgh, 1982
Sanders, Michael and Taylor, Philip, British Propaganda During the First
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Scott, Canon Frederick, The Great War as I Saw It [2nd Edition], Clarke & Stuart, Vancouver, 1934
Sellers, Leonard, Shot in the Tower, Leo Cooper, 1997
Sheffield, Gary, Forgotten Victory, Headline, 2001
Simpson, Colin, Lusitania, Longman, 1972
Sitwell, Osbert, Laughter in the Next Room, Macmillan, 1949
Stafford, David, Churchill & Secret Service, John Murray, 1997
Terraine, John, Haig – The Educated Soldier, Hutchinson, 1963
——, The Smoke and the Fire, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1980
——, White Heat, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1982
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Tippett, Maria, Art at the Service of War, Toronto University Press, 1984
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Turner, E.S., Dear Old Blighty, Michael Joseph, 1980
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All titles published in London unless otherwise stated.
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ember 1998
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Ward, John, Legend of murdered soldier lives on in bronze, Halifax Herald, 22 July 2001
Archive Sources
The official Canadian files on the Crucified Canadian legend are held by the National Archives of Canada in Ottawa, reference: RG25 (External Affairs), Series B1b, Volume 157, File C 12/71, ‘Colonial Office (UK) Alleged Crucifixion of a Canadian Soldier by Germans, 1919’.